Cleansing Beet Salad
  1. Dressing – Chop or crush 4 cloves of garlic into 4T balsamic & 4T extra virgin olive oil & 1//4t salt – shake well.
  2. Toast the seeds by roasting them dry on a skillet (cast iron works well). Frequently shake or shuffle to the pan gently to get the seeds to flip. When they start to brown, they’re ready.
  3. Wash & grate 2 medium beets (I don’t peel them, but you can).
  4. Wash & chop about 1/2 bunch cilantro.
  5. Wash & chop 1 bunch dandelion greens – use wild dandelion if you have access to an unpolluted source.
  6. Combine all veggies in a mixing bowl with 1/2 c raisins. Then add dressing and seeds.
  7. Cover and shake or stir thoroughly to mix all ingredients well.