
  • Cleansing Beet Salad

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    In spring, folks are often prone to liver related symptoms such as red, itchy eyes, allergies, rashes and skin issues. The liver’s works hard in the springtime cleansing the fats we accumulated in fall and winter. Beets thin the bile so that it more easily flows from the liver. The bitter flavor of dandelion is also medicine to the liver – promoting the release of bile and toxins. Raw garlic is cleansing and supports blood thinning and good circulation. 

    Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. Zinc is instrumental in immunity as well as development. Pregnant women, infants and children need zinc to grow. It’s also needed for our senses of smell and taste to work. Sunflower seeds are packed with protein, B vitamins and minerals. Toasting the seeds makes their nutrients more available.


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    Cleansing Beet Salad
    Cleansing Beet Salad
    Cleansing Beet Salad
    1. Dressing - Chop or crush 4 cloves of garlic into 4T balsamic & 4T extra virgin olive oil & 1//4t salt - shake well.
    2. Toast the seeds by roasting them dry on a skillet (cast iron works well). Frequently shake or shuffle to the pan gently to get the seeds to flip. When they start to brown, they're ready.
    3. Wash & grate 2 medium beets (I don't peel them, but you can).
    4. Wash & chop about 1/2 bunch cilantro.
    5. Wash & chop 1 bunch dandelion greens - use wild dandelion if you have access to an unpolluted source.
    6. Combine all veggies in a mixing bowl with 1/2 c raisins. Then add dressing and seeds.
    7. Cover and shake or stir thoroughly to mix all ingredients well.
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  • Herbal Chai Tea

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    Herbal Chai Tea
    Chai is an Ayurvedic classic. This caffeine free version is a nice way to start or end your day. It’s a nice way to warm up your bones and soothe your nerves in the winter time. You can substitute any milk alternative you like for regular milk or leave out the milk completely. The herbs in this tea support immunity and digestion and help to break up congestion. Lightly boiling cow’s milk makes it more digestible. Milk and honey are known to carry the medicinal effects of herbs to the deeper tissues in the body.
    Herbal Chai Tea
    Course Tea
    Course Tea
    Herbal Chai Tea
    1. Combine the water and all spices except turmeric in a pot. Bring to boil, then low boil uncovered for 20min.
    2. Just before it's done add a) 1/4-1/2 tsp turmeric b) 1/2 cup of milk of any kind (optional)
    3. Gently bring to a low boil and then turn it off right away. Keep a close watch because the milk will boil over easily.
    4. Strain the liquid into your mug
    5. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup to taste (optional)
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  • Kitchari

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    Kitchari is Ayurveda’s favorite dish. It’s the cleansing and rejuvenating meal you can always come home to when you’re feeling off.

    See recipe notes below for balancing Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.
    Course Main Dish
    Course Main Dish
    1. Soak the lentils in water overnight
    2. Separately soak the quinoa, millet or amaranth overnight in water - rice does not need soaking
    3. Drain and rinse the lentils & grain
    4. Heat the oil over med/high heat
    5. Add spices and ginger and mix well
    6. Add veggies and coat with spices
    7. Mix in lentils and grain
    8. Add 2 cups of water, or enough to cover everything well
    9. Boil, cover, simmer @ 20min until grains are done
    10. Garnish with cilantro and lime juice
    Recipe Notes

    Over time you can play with this recipe – adding more of each spice when you’re feeling heavy or bringing new spices in like fennel, cardamom, clove, garlic, onion. You can vary the vegetables to favor more roots when you’re feeling ungrounded, more greens when you’re feeling heavy. You can also use a little more water when you’re feeling dry or less water when you’re feeling bloated.

    To balance Vata

    • Use root veggies like carrot, parsnip, sweet potato, beet
    • Use ⅓ c lentils & ⅔ cup rice, quinoa or amaranth
    • Use 4 c water

    To balance Pitta

    • Use green veggies like kale, collards, chard, green beans

    To balance Kapha

    • Use green veggies mentioned above
    • Use ⅔ c of lentils & ⅓ c quinoa, millet or amaranth


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  • Ginger Carrot Soup

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    Ginger Carrot Soup
    Ginger is a digestive aid and immunity booster. It protects the intestines against ulcers and parasites. Cooked carrots are easy to digest. The carotenes from carrots gently cleanse the liver, support immunity and help maintain healthy skin, eyes and hair.   The beauty of this dish is its simplicity. It’s the perfect way to cleanse your digestive system the day after eating a holiday meal or when you feel you need to hit the reset button.
    Ginger Carrot Soup
    Course Soup
    Course Soup
    Ginger Carrot Soup
    1. Heat oil in a large pot; add onion and ginger, and sauté, stirring just until onion is translucent.
    2. Add carrots, potato and vegetable stock or water. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and boil gently until the vegetables are tender, about 30-45 minutes.
    3. Puree the soup in batches in a blender or food processor.
    4. Add salt to taste and flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg. Serve plain or garnished with chopped cilantro or parsley.
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